The Competitor IQ Blog

Press Release Kevin Lam Press Release Kevin Lam

Competitor IQ – A Division of DALBAR Inc. Reveals Consumer Trends in Beauty and Fast-Casual Dining

Competitor IQ – A Division of DALBAR Inc., a leading provider of innovative data intelligence solutions (, today released findings from two micro studies, revealing surprising insights that challenge conventional wisdom in beauty retail and fast-casual dining. These reports offer important insights for businesses looking to align with changing customer expectations.

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Press Release Kevin Lam Press Release Kevin Lam

Mystery Shops Uncover Hidden Trends in Mortgage Market and Consumer Finance

Competitor IQ – A Division of DALBAR Inc., a leading provider of innovative data intelligence solutions (, today released findings that shed light on the intricacies of the mortgage market and consumer financial habits. Through our proprietary mystery shopping methodology, we uncovered data that goes beyond surface-level statistics, providing a deeper understanding of market dynamics.

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